⛪Catholic Schools Week 2025
United in Faith and Community
Once again this year to celebrate Catholic Schools Week we will be giving every student a pin. These pins should be worn to school everyday. All students' names are in a magic hopper and Mrs. Schappacher will pull several out each day. If the student, whose name is pulled, has their pin on they will win a special prize. If the teacher’s name is pulled the entire class is rewarded. We will also be participating in an all school drive for the needy in our immediate area. Below you will see the specific items each class is responsible for:
Preschool-snack bars/fruit snacks
Kindergarten: zip lock bags/small garbage bags
First Grade: tissues
Second Grade: toilet paper/paper towels
Third Grade: canned vegetables
Fourth Grade: canned fruit
Fifth Grade: rice/pasta products
Sixth Grade: cereal
Seventh Grade: soup
Eighth Grade: cleaning products household, laundry & dishwasher products
CWS Activities Below
Sunday 1/26/2025-Celebrating Your Parish
Opening Mass at St. Joseph Church @ 10:00 a.m. Mass
Monday 1/27/2025- Celebrating Your Community
Favorite sports team/colors day with gym uniform bottoms
Opening Prayer Service 7:30 am until 7:40 am in the school auditorium.
Tuesday 1/28/25-Celebrating Your Students
Favorite Catholic School shirt with any gym uniform bottoms
Mrs. Schappacher and selected students in grades 4-8 attend the CSW Mass at the Cathedral in Cincinnati
Second Grade Raffle
Students make special Valentine posters for our friends in nursing homes.
Wednesday 1/29/25 Celebrating the Nation
Western Wednesday
Special CSW Speaker from 17 Strong
Second Grade Raffle
Students make posters for nurses and first responders
Thursday 1/30/25- Celebrating Vocations
SJCS tradition shirt with uniform bottoms
Weekly Liturgy- Grade 4 Students prayer requests presented
Friday 1/31/2025 Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers
Students can dress like their favorite book, movie, or tv character
Donuts with a Grownup 8:00 a.m.- Each family will invite 1 grownup to have a donut with students at school. See above for the reservation form.
PTO Teacher Appreciation Lunch for SJCS Staff
All school treat at lunch
All School Singo/Popcorn Friday 1:00 p.m.
Closing prayer service at 1:55 p.m.
🍩Donuts with Grown Ups Reservation Form
Catholic Schools Week is quickly approaching! We have many fun events and activities planned for our students and staff the week of January 27-31.
While we will be sending out a schedule for all of the fun things next week, we wanted to get a head start by sending out a reservation form for "Donuts with Grownups".
Donuts with Grown-Ups (Friday, January 31 at 8:00 AM): Each family can invite ONE special grown-up to come to school and enjoy donuts with them! To get a count of how many donuts we will need, please talk to your child(ren) about which grown-up they would like to invite for this special event and complete this reservation form.