School Approved Spiritwear
Families may order our spiritwear items from school approved supplies. Please click on the link below to shop and order.
Each class has an assigned color t-shirt that has #sjcstraditions on it. These shirts can now be ordered online with the gym uniforms and spiritwear. Parent must choose the correct class shirt for their children. The updated list for the 24-25 school year is below:
SJCS Class of 2033--Kindergarten-red
SJCS Class of 2032--Grade 1-orange
SJCS Class of 2031-- Grade 2-yellow
SJCS Class of 2030-- Grade 3-dark green
SJCS Class of 2029- Grade 4--light Blue
SJCS Class of 2028 - Grade 5- purple
SJCS Class of 2027- Grade 6--lime green
SJCS Class of 2026--Grade 7 -teal
SJCS Class of 2025--Grade 8 -dark blue
Parents shirts light gray