Student Code of Conduct & Guidelines
In grades K-3, each teacher has an individual classroom method of recognizing good behavior choices and for making each student personally accountable for poor choices. Teachers will inform parents about the classroom procedures for encouraging positive behavior and responding to negative behavior early in the school year.
Teachers in grades 4-8 use a system of points to track and document student conduct and responsibility infractions. All infractions will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Any faculty or staff member may give points to any student for a conduct infraction or rule violation.
The behaviors that are prohibited in the Code of Conduct are penalized because they contribute in some way to a culture or environment inconsistent with our school mission and values. In other cases, they might simply promote property damage or some other undesirable outcome. The important thing to remember is that there are important reasons why the behaviors listed below warrant a consequence. The ultimate goal of the conduct system is to give students incentive to avoid unwanted and counterproductive behaviors and to equip them with tools for meeting this challenge. To facilitate this goal, we use a Conduct Point system through Option C.
Infractions listed on Option C, in alphabetical order:
Homework Policy for Grades 4-8
Students’ homework is due at the beginning of class each day. Failure to come to class prepared will be monitored each trimester by using the Option C Conduct system, with the following consequences to follow: