"Children are one-third of our population and ALL of our future"
St. Joseph Consolidated School requires uniform attire for ALL students. In order to maintain focus on schoolwork, students must refrain from dressing in any manner which is identified by staff or administration as distracting from the business of school.
Basic School Uniform
The basic SJCS School uniform consists of the following:
NAVY BLUE PANTS: All pants/shorts should be plain navy-blue twill pants - NO cargo, bell-bottom, "trendy", or baggy pants are permitted.
SKIRTS/JUMPERS: Girls may wear the St Joes uniform plaid skirts/jumpers as an alternative to pants It mus be of appropriate length.
PLAIN WHITE SHIRT: Uniform shirts are any plain white dress shirt/blouse or knit shirt with a collar (long or short sleeved, sleeves may not be rolled) or a turtleneck. Parents can also order St. Joseph polos from our
The only approved color for uniform fleece, sweatshirts or sweaters is blue or gray purchased from our approved suppliers. The plaid uniform jumper/skirt/skort is available through
Schoolbelles Uniform Company in Cincinnati (513-921-3417) or Campus Outfitters (513-772-4250). The online school code for Schoolbelles is S1969.
School Approved Spiritwear
School approved spiritwar for school day and gym uniform is available at this
SJCS Spiritwear link.
Each class has an assigned color t-shirt that has #sjcstraditions on it. These are available at this
SJCS Spiritwear link.