St Joseph Consolidated School

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Special Programs

Special Programs

ACCELERATED READING: SJCS stresses the importance of reading through it's Accelerated Reading Program. Children are required to read age appropriate quantities and levels of books, and are awarded for their success in meeting or exceeding their goals.

ENRICHMENT: All students at St. Joseph Consolidated School are provided educational opportunities appropriate to their individual abilities, which will enable them to reach their maximum potential.  The needs of gifted and talented students are met in many ways at our school through accelerated curriculum, differentiated instruction, and extra curricular opportunities.  Enrichment students are identified through standardized testing and teacher input.  Their progress is carefully tracked from year to year to ensure maximum personal growth.  

SPECIAL EDUCATION:In our commitment to meet the needs of students who come to us with special education requirements, SJCS employees two full time intervention specials and 1 full time teachers's aide.  We participate in the Jon Peterson Scholarship Program provided by the Ohio Department of Education, which provides supplemental funding for many of these students.